
[PRNewswire] Keding Enterprises Announces Global Partnership Opportunities

대한법률신문사 | 기사입력 2024/09/03 [19:34]

[PRNewswire] Keding Enterprises Announces Global Partnership Opportunities

대한법률신문사 | 입력 : 2024/09/03 [19:34]

[PRNewswire] Keding Enterprises Announces Global Partnership Opportunities

-- Seeking entrepreneurs to lead the charge in sustainable construction and design worldwide

NEW TAIPEI CITY Sept 03, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- According to a report by Transparency Market Research, the global laminates market continues to grow, reaching USD 7.07 billion in 2023, with North America accounting for USD 1.161 billion, Europe USD 2.723 billion, Asia Pacific USD 2.066 billion, Middle East/Africa USD 436 million, and Latin America USD 681 million. Analysts forecast that Keding Enterprises Co., Ltd.'s KD ECO? Laminates, an enhanced version of the traditional HPL, is poised to dominate the global high-pressure decorative laminates market in five years. In the US market, the minimum investment required is USD 35,000, with an average break-even period as short as six months and full cost recovery in nine months, subject to market conditions. The product's robust potential indicates significant growth prospects.

Absolute Advantages

KD ECO+ Laminates revolutionizes traditional panels with its latest patented translucent structure. This innovative product is bendable, eco-friendly, non-toxic, and features highly realistic wood grain. Additionally, it boasts antibacterial properties, scratch resistance, and durability. By addressing common issues such as splicing black edges, fragile corners, and environmentally unfriendly raw materials, KD ECO? Laminates stands out as one of the most competitive products on the market.

Keding Launches Global Partnership Program

Keding, Taiwan's premier building materials brand, has been dedicated to producing healthy building materials for over 22 years. All products are manufactured and exported from Taiwan, ensuring excellent and consistent quality. The company has recently launched a global partnership program to introduce KD ECO? Laminates to the international market. Keding promises to provide ample resources and support, fully backing our business partners to achieve mutual benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.keding-global.com/franchise/ or contact Owen Hsu via email at kdglobalbp@twkd.com or by phone at +886 22296-3999 ext. 2703.

Source: Keding Enterprises Co., Ltd.

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